Friday, April 23, 2010


Debbie is coming back to Stillwater today after spending all week at Tara's house.  I know she's sad to leave there.  Maybe she can kidnap Tara, Evie, Maggie and Oliver.  Pretty sure John would notice tho.

Found a couple of neat photos today.  The white cliffs of Dover in England.  Not sure where the other photo is from, but it is great.  The third photo shows some interesting farm land.  Who gets to mow that?

This one reminded me of when Megan and I sat on the rim of the Grand Canyon.  I think these folks were more daring, though.  Don't know where they are, but there is some pucker factor there.

Here is Megan and I at the Grand Canyon back in 2002.

Kelsey was having none of it, though.

We sure need to return for another visit!

Have a great Friday.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Family Day

Fun day with the family.  Debbie and Kelsey made pancakes and French toast for breakfast.  Oliver had a good day.  We played outside.  Debbie made vermicelli salad and german potato salad.  John grilled burgers and hotdogs.  Great dinner.  Tara, Megan and Kelsey sat around the dining room table singing Disney songs.  Playing around the house after dinner.  Fun, fun, fun.

Maggie the Minstrel

Off and runnin'.  He really had surgery yesterday?

Oliver tossed the ball in the air and it went over his head.

Playin' washers

Texting lessons???

Taking silly pictures...

and laughing.  These three must have taken a dozen photos and spent alot of time laughing at each one.

Aunt Megan sneaked in!

Megan yelled from the kitchen, "Is this german potato salad left out for someone?" She figured it was for her and scarfed!

We need a few more Fisher Price people!

Nana ended up babysitting a bunch of Fisher Price people.

Oliver catching up on his texting. 

Playing Moose in the House

Playing Uno Moo


Mall Carnival, Chik-Fil-A, and Bunnies

We went to the mall near Tara's house and let Evie and Maggie ride the little carnival rides for a while.  Many quarters later, they were happy and ready for lunch at Chik-Fil-A.  Turns out the Chik-Fil-A has a nice indoor playground, so the kiddos had a good time there.  While we were leaving the mall, Tara called and said they were on their way back to Greenville with Oliver.  After lunch, we took Evie and Maggie to Atwoods to see if they still had bunnies, chicks and ducklings.  They did.  No Freds or elephants, tho. 

Debbie cooked a roast for dinner.  Megan and Kelsey found their way from Stillwater to Tara's just in time for dinner.  Oliver's surgery appeared to go ok, but his lip and nose are kinda rough looking.  Hasn't slowed him down much, tho.  Pretty good day.

Evie and Maggie start the day playing Nick Jr. games on the internet.  Nana and Kelsey made French toast and pancakes.  Oliver has been buzzing around all morning. 

More later!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Playing Around

Had some fun yesterday.  Evie, Maggie and Nana played with the Wii for quite awhile.  Maggie and Nana painted each other's fingernails.  Tara, John and Oliver returned from Dallas in time for us to have dinner at Schlotzky's.  We went back to the house and played outside until dark. 

Check out the fingernail on Debbie's ring finger. LOL

Ain't we perty, Opie? 

Playing with the giant crochet set that Nana bought.

Hey, these are fun to crawl through.

And, the giant balls are fun to sit on.

Oliver figured out how to get the balls through the hoops.  The ball is almost as big as him.

A story and grapes are always good after playing outside.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Texas Time

Debbie and I are at Tara's.  Oliver is scheduled to have another surgery on his lip to remove scar tissue and help straighten his nose.  Tara and John took Oliver to Dallas this afternoon for a pre-op consultation.  Evie and Maggie are playing Wii with Nana.

Evie and Maggie were watering the new flowers that John planted.  Evie dressed up in her high heels.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Where's George?

I found a dollar bill with a red stamp on it that said "Track me at".  So, I went to the website and entered the serial number for the dollar bill.  Should be interesting to see if anyone else continues entering data about the bill. 

Tracking the dollar

Um, guess I better go spend that dollar!