Friday, June 29, 2012

Cross your fingers.  We made an offer...
I believe we are close to buying a house.  One more to look the large 4 bedroom on Burlingame that I posted about yesterday and look at a house in the same neighborhood.  Not sure about the other one, but want to look anyway. 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Today, the Supreme Court ruled that the individual mandate is Constitutional, among other aspects of the health care law.  No one disputes that there are people who need inexpensive access to health care.  The dispute is how to provide it.  Today, the Supreme Court upheld a mandate that forces everyone to buy insurance whether or not they can afford to buy insurance.  The healthcare law states that if the insurance costs more than 8% of your income, the government will subsidize all or part of the costs.  No one will ever be able to put an exact dollar value on how much tax revenue is needed to pay for that.  It will always be a moving target and a very expensive one.  Congress will try not to increase payroll taxes, which means taxes will go up at the business level.  What many people do not realize, is that small businesses will pay those taxes, not just big corporations.  Small businesses who hire one or two people to work will likely not be able to hire one or two people because the salary money will be used to pay for health insurance.  I hope the future for our kids and grandkids does not mean that 50% or more of their paychecks go to the federal government to pay for health care.  But that is likely.
Yesterday, Debbie and I looked at two houses that we both like.  We looked at a 4 bedroom house with a pool in north Edmond that is very nice.  This home is not far from Ted's Escondido (one of our favorite Mexican restaurants) and two nice public golf courses (that's for me and the guys).  I believe Debbie fell in love as soon as we walked in.  I like it but not yet ready to say, "This is the one." 

We have a sizeable list of other homes, so decided to look at a few more later in the day.  Well, that muddied the water a little after we saw the first of the next few homes.

The other home we like is a larger 4 bedroom with a spacious living room, dining rooms and kitchen very close to a mall, other shopping such as Target and Sam's Club, several restaurants that we like, and a hospital.  I like both about the same. 

The first house is move-in ready.  The second is ready but there are some things that we will need to upgrade, such as the red kitchen laminate countertops and the master bath needs a new vanity.  Otherwise, house #2 is great. 

Both neighborhoods are very nice. There is a country club in the neighborhood of house #2 that we can join that has a pool, golf and other family stuff to do. There is a small playground about a half block from house #2.

We discussed both alot yesterday and will look at several more homes this afternoon.  By the time we went to bed, I believe Debbie had decided the pool at the first house was a scary liability because of the grandkids possibly falling into it.  But she really liked the house.   

I figured this process would be easier. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Might have found a house.  Not certain yet, but Debbie and I both like it.  Going to look at a couple of others before deciding for sure.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

This house hunting thing is alot like buying something on Ebay.  You find what you like and want to see.  Try to schedule an appointment only to discover someone already liked it first.  Found a really, really nice house north of Edmond on Sunday only to have the realtor tell us the house is sold.  Gonna try four other ones tonite in Edmond.  Hoping we can look at these. 

The a/c repairs are nice.  Took about 4 hours for the house to cool down from 95 degrees to 77 degrees.  It was so nice to sleep without a fan.  Actually needed to cover up with the sheet by morning. 

Forecast calls for 104 degrees today.  Dang.  Stay cool!! 

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Debbie and I are trying to find a house in the Oklahoma City area.  Not easy.  We have different desires.  I want as far away from people as I can get.  Debbie wants to be closer to town.  Gonna be tough to find anything satisfying both.  So, trying to find a house with as large a lot as possible.  Spent Wednesday afternoon looking at 4 homes.  Still looking.  Lucky we are not having to find one quickly. 

Found several photos from the L3 Easter egg hunt.

Used the 10 second timer on the camera to get a group photo from our trip to Beavers Bend.

Testing it with Debbie.

Some people move too slow.

Got it!!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

It has been a long time since I posted anything on here.  Found some interesting photos I wanted to share.

Cool view of Cape Town, South Africa.

Greek village.

A rock formation somewhere.

This guy was alot more daring than Megan and I were at the Grand Canyon.

Have a great day!