Sunday, February 27, 2011

Joe Bonamassa Sunday

Good Morning!  Kinda wintery looking outside, but it is not cold.  Slight mist coming down.  Weather forecast says eastern Oklahoma might get some stormy weather this afternoon and tonite.  Hope it is just thunder and lightning.  No tornados.

Deb and I are going to our second Joe Bonamassa concert tonite at the Brady Theater in Tulsa.  We went last March and it was a super show.  Hoping more of the same tonite.  Concert starts at 8 pm.  Hoping I can stay up past my bedtime. 

Everyone have a great Sunday!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Happy Friday.

Man, it has been a busy couple of weeks. Lots of work in the office, so been working every day since we got back from Tara's.  Several days of warm temps.  Today, it is cold.  Not yet above mid-thirties at midday.  Upper 60's for tomorrow.  Wierd.

If you ever wondered where snowballs come from, the photos might be a clue.  I guess they are born in the Great Lakes. 

The space shuttle Discovery launched for the last time the other day.  Pretty sad in that the shuttle launches have been a part of our lives for a few decades.  I never did get to witness a night launch.  Have to cross that off the bucket list.  Can always go and watch something else launch at nite. 


They say you can see the Great Wall of China from space.  That would be cool to see.  I have a book about the wall somewhere at the house.  It is several hundred miles long in some places. 

I guess Dale Earnhardt fans are not the only ones who shave numbers on their backs.  I saw the guy with the "3" on his back at a race in 2004.  

Soccer fans do the same thing.

It is supposed to be warmer this weekend.  Spring is coming.  There are sprigs of green grass sprouting along the highways and in the lawn at home and the office.  Stay warm and have a great weekend.

Friday, February 18, 2011

More fun at Tara's

The weather was great again on Sunday morning, so we went outside with the kids.  Hard to believe a week earlier there was ice everywhere.

The kids didn't really want to take photos, so Nana stood behind Opie to get the kids to laugh.  She did a really good job. 

Oliver was waiting for Debbie to do whatever she was doing.

She did it.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Great Weekend at Tara's

Debbie, Kelsey and I went to visit Tara last weekend.  We had a great weekend.  The weather cooperated and we went to a great park in Greenville to feed the ducks.  The ducks did not want to be fed and went to the other side of the pond.  So, the kids threw a bunch of bread in the water anyway.  A couple of geese came over and nibbled a bit before going back over to the other side of the pond.  Oliver tried to pick up some goose poo.  Tara kinda freaked out and stopped him before he actually got a handful.  He seemed convinced it was nasty because he pointed and said, "Yucky" or something like that.  After trying to feed the ducks, we went to the playground and all of the kids had fun.  Even Kelsey, Tara and John.  There are some cool old playground slides and swings at the park.  There is an old, abandoned snack bar building.  Behind the building was an old merry-go-round.  Wonder if they would sell that?  John said the park had a small zoo back in the 1950's and the city held fun day events there such as concerts and dances.  A trolley ran from downtown Greenville to the park.  Really cool place to go play with some history.

The people with the bread are here.

The ducks and geese are way over there on the other side of the pond.

Except for this goose.  It no interest in the bread.  The kids must have thrown half a loaf around it and the goose just looked at it.

Chummed the water with bread.  Waiting for the ducks to show up.

Hey, there are some ducks coming over from the other side.  Kelsey says, "Huh?"

Any doubt Tara and Kelsey are related?  Look at the expressions on their faces.  LOL

Finally!  Some ducks that eat the bread!


Cool old merry-go-round.  The cages in the background might be part of the old zoo.

Old snack bar building.

Headed to the house.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dang. It is COLD!!

Awoke this morning to 11 below zero temperature.  ELEVEN BELOW ZERO!!!!  Bartlesville was -27.  Ponca City was -21.  That's where Megan had to go for her job at the casino.  She can tell the story about that.  Anyway, it was stinkin' cold.  By the time Deb and I left for work, the heat wave had started and the temp was all the way up to -7.  Almost shed one of my coats.  The thermometer on the car was having none of the concept of a heat wave.  When we left the driveway, the thermometer was showing -1.  Four miles down the road, I stopped for fuel and the thermometer was showing -13.  A few miles later, the thermometer showed -14.  The next thing we saw, the thermometer was showing the letters "BR". 

Megan made it to Ponca City this morning.  Guess the roads were not too bad. 

Stay warm!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow Day

Here's what happens when Debbie and Megan get a snow day and try watching Netflix.  ZZZZZZ. 


Big Balls

We see alot of trucks with the bull balls hanging from the trailer hitch or rear bumper.  All colors:  red, white, blue, yellow, green.  I saw a multi-colored pair on a big four-wheel drive pickup.  Hilarious to see a woman driving a truck with pink bull balls.  The ones that we see appear to be rubber or hard plastic and sway around while the truck is travelling down the highway.  We saw this truck on Monday morning.  The bull balls were huge and must be made out of aluminum or something metal.  They must be really heavy because they didn't move around at all and had a huge hole through the sides, apparently to reduce the weight.  Cracked us up.

Another snow storm

Luckily, this one is not as bad as last week.  But, the wind is howling and snow is blowing.  It looks like we got about 4 inches this time.  Most of the deeper snow is north of us.  Ponca City, which is about 45 miles from here, got about 14 inches.  Not sure how much Tulsa got, but the news reported not as much as expected.  We were on the low side of the 5 to 11 inches that was in the forecast.  Cold today.  Temp in the mid-teens.  High tomorrow in the mid-20s.  Temps will be in the 50s and 60s by weekend!  woohoo!!

This looks like last week's photos.  Except for the snow hanging over the edge of the roof!

Stay warm!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Long ride home

I went to OKC today to work.  Going to work wasn't bad as the roads were mostly clear and dry.  It snowed most of the day and that caused problems going home.  I left OKC about 5:15 and got home about 2 1/2 hours later.  I saw several cars off the road into the ditches.  At least four places where cars hit the cable barrier in the median.  The road was icy.  Not a good ride home.  At least Debbie bought some BBQ from Rib Crib.  Comfort food.  Yum.

There was snow on the car not long after I arrived at the office.

The first car off the road.

The 2nd bumper that I saw laying on the side of the road next to the damaged cable barrier.  The first bumper was about a quarter mile behind this one. 

Not sure why the snowplow was plowing the shoulder cuz there wasn't enough snow to plow.

Two more cars off the road.  These are within a mile of the car in the first photo.

It is hard to tell what is going on in this photo, but there is a truck off the road near the trees.  Maybe a quarter mile from the two cars in the previous photo.

An hour after leaving the office, I'm only about 20 miles from the office.  Creeping along at less than 5 mph.  I should be in Stillwater by now.  Only 45 miles to go.

Another vehicle in the ditch.

11 minutes after seeing the sign about the weigh station, I arrive at the weigh station exit.

About a half-mile past this sign, I saw the car on the left shoulder that was causing the slow down.  90 minutes after I left the office and about 25 miles from the office I passed the cause of the slow down.  Less than a mile later, another slow down that was caused by at least two cars that crashed into the cable barrier just north of Seward Road.  I arrived at the house at 7:45 or so.  Glad we didn't go south to Texas, but sad we didn't go south to Texas.

Be careful out there.