Got some rain today. Also, the drain line for our air conditioner is clogged. Not as easy to access as Tara's and John's was last summer. Ours disappears into the concrete slab. Gonna have to get the plumber to make a visit. It's been clogged for a couple of weeks. The carpet in the hallway was wet over Memorial Day weekend but I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. The hallway dried up so I figured wherever the water came from was not leaking anymore. Last nite, Megan said her bedroom carpet has been wet for several days. Looking in the a/c closet, I could see some dampness and saw a leak. Thought it was the water heater. Placed a bucket under the leak. This morning when I got up, I couldn't hear the water dripping into the bucket like it was last nite. Can't be the water heater leaking or the drip would still be happening. Looking around inside the closet, I finally noticed the drain was full of water. This evening, the hallway carpet was soaked again. Dangit. The plumber is supposed to be here tomorrow afternoon. Hope it's a cheap fix.
Debbie stopped on the side of the road tonite and picked a bunch of the white clover blooms. Kinda funny watching her in the ditch wearing sandals and using a pocket knife to cut weeds. She's at the dining table putting the blooms in an old phone book. Wigging out cuz there are bugs in the weeds she brought into the house. hee hee.
Megan has to "shadow" professionals this summer. Today was her first day of that. Eight hours of watching someone massage other people. wooohooo. hee hee.
Haven't seen Kelsey in a few days. She is going to be at the house when the plumber stops by tomorrow. After she takes her "horse" to the vet. That puppy gets bigger every time we see him. LOL
Deb and I stopped by the Golden Corral buffet for dinner. They always have this big pot of roasted jalapenos that look really good, but I'm usually too chicken to get one. Tonite, I forgot about the feathers up and down my legs and got one. Dang. That sucker was hot! Two bites were all I could do. Good meal after my tongue stopped burning. hee hee. Kinda reminded me of this
funny joke. You've probably read it before but it's always a hoot to read.
Have a good one.