Debbie and I had some Rib Crib for our pre-game meal. Pretty good as always. Megan and Kelsey were working, but were able to sit and eat with us. If you call wolfing down your food "eating". LOL.
Deb and I went to the game. OSU has some serious work to do. Offensively they are, well... offensive. Not at all what anyone expected them to be this year compared to last season. But, OSU won the game and that's the important thing. Hopefully, the Pokes can win ugly but still win.
Tara, during halftime, Rebecca and Michael McLaughlin stopped by our seats and chatted for a few minutes. Their little girl, Emma, is a cutie. She was wearing a cute little OSU tu-tu. Guess what Debbie has in mind? hee hee.
Speaking of ugly, well... I'll let the photo speak for itself. LMAO. Hope you are not trying to eat while reading this blog. Gotta love Sooner fans!

GROSS picture!!! Have you checked out ?? It also has some more pretty gross pics. (And a lot of hilarious ones too).
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