Another game of skill. Or a tremendous time waster. Betcha can't play just once. Philip will make you go out and pick up the pieces of clay after you are finished shooting. LOL
Skeet shoot
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Recycling and living green
Good morning. It's the last day of April. The year is going by pretty quickly. We went to Texas two weeks ago and the trees had not yet leafed out around Stillwater and OKC. Now, it's green pretty much everywhere. Summer is here. Love it.
There have been alot of commercials and stuff about going green. Debbie and I heard a radio commercial about paper towels and how many trees need to be cut down to make the paper towels. The commercial was touting the recycling of paper products that can be used to make paper towels instead of trees. Alot of that is being done. Interesting thing is that alot of energy and water is required to bleach the paper products to prep it for making new paper products. Upsides and downsides to being "green".
Kinda like the push to use the pig-tail energy saving lamps and similar energy saving lamps (compact fluorescent lamps) instead of incandecent bulbs. Articles I've read about the energy saving devices state that those lamps contain mercury. Ruh-roh. Use less energy but put mercury in the landfills? hmmm.
Debbie mentioned that we need to find an alternative to toilet paper to help save the trees. People used corncobs in the past. She said we need to eat more corn. Um, I guess that will work. Modern man doesn't have a lot of corncobs laying around. Thinking about how to use that empty Delmonte can instead of the Charmen. Leaving the label on the can might help. Gotta think about that concept a tad more.
Have a good one.
There have been alot of commercials and stuff about going green. Debbie and I heard a radio commercial about paper towels and how many trees need to be cut down to make the paper towels. The commercial was touting the recycling of paper products that can be used to make paper towels instead of trees. Alot of that is being done. Interesting thing is that alot of energy and water is required to bleach the paper products to prep it for making new paper products. Upsides and downsides to being "green".
Kinda like the push to use the pig-tail energy saving lamps and similar energy saving lamps (compact fluorescent lamps) instead of incandecent bulbs. Articles I've read about the energy saving devices state that those lamps contain mercury. Ruh-roh. Use less energy but put mercury in the landfills? hmmm.
Debbie mentioned that we need to find an alternative to toilet paper to help save the trees. People used corncobs in the past. She said we need to eat more corn. Um, I guess that will work. Modern man doesn't have a lot of corncobs laying around. Thinking about how to use that empty Delmonte can instead of the Charmen. Leaving the label on the can might help. Gotta think about that concept a tad more.
Have a good one.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Rainy day
We had a bunch of rain today. In fact, it has rained every day since Monday. Kelsey said the streets were flooding on Monday afternoon. We need the rain, though.
Debbie made manicottis last nite. Those are really good. She changed up the recipe and added mushrooms and spinach. Made them even better. Did I say I really like her cooking? I duz.
We tried a new BBQ restaurant tonite. It's not really new as it's been around a while. It's near Quail Springs Mall. Can't remember the name, but it wasn't too bad. Their spicy sauce is not spicy. Didn't have the heart to tell the guy when he asked how everything was.
One of Carl Edwards' race cars was parked across the street from Debbie's office last week. Got a couple of photos of it. Interesting because he was in a terrible wreck on Sunday at Talladega. His car flew up in the air on the last lap. The car hit the restraining fence in front of the seats. Scary accident. Especially since 8 people were injured by debris from the fence and the car. Makes the seats way up high from the track a whole lot more attractive.
Here is video of the wreck. Amazing that after the car flew through the air, hit the fence and the track, Carl was able to get out and run to the finish line. RUN!! Absolutely amazing he wasn't seriously injured. Safety features and downright toughness saved him.
Carl Edwards wrecks at Talladega
Too bad Kelsey's former boyfriend, David Nelson, did not have those safety features last Saturday. He was killed in a wreck near Stillwater. 21 year old engineering student at OSU. Two other people were with him in the vehicle and they were not seriously injured, in spite of one of the passengers being thrown from the car. Sad. Condolences to his family and many friends. Kelsey and Megan worked with him at Rib Crib. They and several of the Rib Crib crew will attend his funeral this Friday afternoon in OKC.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
How many asprins in a bottle?
The asprin bottle said there were 100 tablets. I have almost emptied a bottle. There are three tablets remaining. Did I get 101 tablets or 99 tablets?
Debbie cooked some green beans Sunday night. She observed that in the past, a regular sized can of green beans could feed our three children. Now, it barely seems to be enough for one person. What's missing from the can now? Well, duh. Green beans.
We went to the Oklahoma City Arts Festival Saturday evening. First time for me. Debbie and Kelsey had been before. Anyway, I expected to see alot more art exhibits. Some nice stuff there, don't get me wrong. But I've listened to the ads for this thing for years and noticed how many roads are blocked in downtown OKC when the festival is happening. Thought it would be bigger.
Guess the only thing getting bigger is my waist. Dangit. Well, the national debt, but that's not part of this topic.
Have a good one.
Debbie cooked some green beans Sunday night. She observed that in the past, a regular sized can of green beans could feed our three children. Now, it barely seems to be enough for one person. What's missing from the can now? Well, duh. Green beans.
We went to the Oklahoma City Arts Festival Saturday evening. First time for me. Debbie and Kelsey had been before. Anyway, I expected to see alot more art exhibits. Some nice stuff there, don't get me wrong. But I've listened to the ads for this thing for years and noticed how many roads are blocked in downtown OKC when the festival is happening. Thought it would be bigger.
Guess the only thing getting bigger is my waist. Dangit. Well, the national debt, but that's not part of this topic.
Have a good one.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Debbie made a roast last nite with potatoes, carrots and green beans. Had some of that for lunch today. Man, that's good eatin'. yum. It's so much easier on her to not cook for the two of us and just go somewhere to eat. But I sure do love her cooking when she has time to do it. No matter what, there seems to be leftovers. Deb starts out making a small pot of something, but it always grows. LOL.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Photos from our April 09 visit to Tara's
We had a blast last weekend. Always a good time with Tara, John, Evie, Maggie and Oliver. The weekend went by way too fast. Enjoy the photos.
Oliver always seems to be looking at the camera. Deb's camera uses a red light to help automatically set the focus. Oliver would turn his head whenever he saw the red light. Funny.
April 09 visit to Greenville
Oliver always seems to be looking at the camera. Deb's camera uses a red light to help automatically set the focus. Oliver would turn his head whenever he saw the red light. Funny.
April 09 visit to Greenville
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Scarborough Renaissance Festival or Faire
We visited Tara's last weekend and went to the Scarborough Renaissance Festival in Waxahachie, Texas. It was about 90 minutes from Greenville and south of Dallas. The day started out kind of gray and dreary, but ended up being a nice day to mill around and check out some interesting stuff. Doktor Kaboom's "science" show was very entertaining and funny, but there wasn't alot of science. Thomas Wood the Pyrojuggler was funny. Some good juggling and fire eating. We took several photos as did John. Here are a few of the photos that Debbie and I took throughout the day. I believe everyone had a good time, but we were pretty tired by the end of the day.
Scarborough Renaissance Festival
Have a good evening.
Scarborough Renaissance Festival
Have a good evening.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Silent letters
What's the deal with adding an extra "E" to words like "point", er, "pointe"? It's a silent "e". It isn't pronounced it as "pointee"? Or is it? There are several developments around OKC and Stillwater where the shopping mall is called Lakeview Pointe or the office park is called Quail Pointe or North Pointe or Hefner Pointe. Why not just "Point"? What's with the silent "E"? I get the "point". I don't get the "pointe". Don't we have enough words with silent "E"? Like, "conference" or "maintenance" or "double" or "couple". Why isn't "double" spelled "dubbel"? Um, if there are two letters together is one of them silent? If not, wouldn't that word be pronounced "duh-ba-ba-bull". Sounds kinda goofy. Guess that's why it isn't spelled that way. Not only do we have words with silent letters at the end of the word, but some silent letters at the beginning of the word. Opossum. Pneumonia. Psychology. Who decided these things? Like words that sound the same but are spelled differently. Two, to and too. How can the first word have a "w" in it and be pronounced the same as "to"? "Too" means the same as "also". If I'm an "also ran" does that mean I'm also a "too ran"? Or is it, I'm too a "too ran"? Apparently not getting enough sleep the last few days is affecting me in a weird (wierd?) way. Is it "affecting" or "effecting"? It's "i" before "e" except after "c". What happens after the daggone "w"? Then we have "one" and "won". No wonder people from other countries have problems understanding our language. There was a Chinese guy in one of my college classes. One evening during a late nite studio session, one of the other American students was joking around with the Chinese kid and called the Chinese kid a pussy. The Chinese kid didn't know what that meant so he got out his English-Chinese dictionary. After reading for a few minutes, he asked, "Why did Eron call me a cat?" Don't ask me, Dude. I'm hung up on figuring out the silent letters.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Whoa. Man, the last few days have been cuh-razy.
On Monday, I spent about a half day at the FAA headquarters in OKC attending a project meeting to add a fire suppression system in two maintenance hangars and trying to get my contractor's badge renewed. The guy in charge of authorizing badges said to do one thing. The people at the security center said to do another. After a couple of hours, I still have no badge. Guvment bureuacracy. Gotta love it.
On Tuesday, I had to go to Wichita with a couple of civil engineers and an architect to look at a waste transfer station. Big, smelly building where the city trash trucks dump a load (hee, hee... he said "dump a load"... hee hee) and front-end loaders put the trash into bigger trucks. The bigger trucks haul the trash to the land fill. The City of Norman is building a new waste transfer station and I'm doing the structural design for it. Anyway, day long trip. The place really has it's own... aroma. Pee-ewe. Imagine the smelliest pair of old tennis shoes, the rankest poopy diaper, the most rancid dead fish or other animal, the most putrid veggies or fruits. Combine those smells. That's better than the Wichita waste transfer station. The architect and I were standing inside watching the loaders push the trash and place loads into the big trucks. He finally said, "It really smells bad in here" and walked outside. Kinda funny. Later, he and I walked across the floor to look at some of the concrete walls. The floor had a nasty, slippery paste of trash goo smeared everywhere. As I was walking, I was being careful not to fall down. I was thinking that if I fell, I'd need a keg of penicillin and tetnus shots to ward off whatever botulism and ebola that was coating the top of that goo. Nasty, nasty, nasty. I wondered about the guys that worked there all day, every day. When they go home, can they smell the wonderful meal their wives cooked for them? Would they notice the stench of their kid's poopy diaper?
Today, I went to Dallas. Wonderful 4 hour drive each way from OKC, plus the trip from Stillwater to OKC and back again. Ever wonder why you have to fart so bad whenever you are stuck in a Tahoe full of contractors? Or in a conference room full of contractors and engineers? The fart bubble was working hard to breach the sphincter seal but the seal held. Whenever I had a chance to exit the vehicle or go to the restroom... nothin'. Straining hard enough to pop a blood vessel, but nothin'. Go sit down again... PRESSURE!! dangit. Hoping like hell I don't sneeze or cough cuz I'm gonna risk vapor locking with something exiting both ends. Eleven hours of this before I finally got back to the office and, well, you know.
Debbie had a milestone event on Tuesday. She and Megan made a trip to Edmond for a visit to an oral surgeon. Megan is going to have her wisdom teeth removed in a few weeks. Debbie was able to navigate around the Edmond area without calling me for directions. It only took almost 22 years to figure it out. Any stories you wanna share about getting lost in OKC with your mother, Tara? hee hee.
Have a good evening.
On Monday, I spent about a half day at the FAA headquarters in OKC attending a project meeting to add a fire suppression system in two maintenance hangars and trying to get my contractor's badge renewed. The guy in charge of authorizing badges said to do one thing. The people at the security center said to do another. After a couple of hours, I still have no badge. Guvment bureuacracy. Gotta love it.
On Tuesday, I had to go to Wichita with a couple of civil engineers and an architect to look at a waste transfer station. Big, smelly building where the city trash trucks dump a load (hee, hee... he said "dump a load"... hee hee) and front-end loaders put the trash into bigger trucks. The bigger trucks haul the trash to the land fill. The City of Norman is building a new waste transfer station and I'm doing the structural design for it. Anyway, day long trip. The place really has it's own... aroma. Pee-ewe. Imagine the smelliest pair of old tennis shoes, the rankest poopy diaper, the most rancid dead fish or other animal, the most putrid veggies or fruits. Combine those smells. That's better than the Wichita waste transfer station. The architect and I were standing inside watching the loaders push the trash and place loads into the big trucks. He finally said, "It really smells bad in here" and walked outside. Kinda funny. Later, he and I walked across the floor to look at some of the concrete walls. The floor had a nasty, slippery paste of trash goo smeared everywhere. As I was walking, I was being careful not to fall down. I was thinking that if I fell, I'd need a keg of penicillin and tetnus shots to ward off whatever botulism and ebola that was coating the top of that goo. Nasty, nasty, nasty. I wondered about the guys that worked there all day, every day. When they go home, can they smell the wonderful meal their wives cooked for them? Would they notice the stench of their kid's poopy diaper?
Today, I went to Dallas. Wonderful 4 hour drive each way from OKC, plus the trip from Stillwater to OKC and back again. Ever wonder why you have to fart so bad whenever you are stuck in a Tahoe full of contractors? Or in a conference room full of contractors and engineers? The fart bubble was working hard to breach the sphincter seal but the seal held. Whenever I had a chance to exit the vehicle or go to the restroom... nothin'. Straining hard enough to pop a blood vessel, but nothin'. Go sit down again... PRESSURE!! dangit. Hoping like hell I don't sneeze or cough cuz I'm gonna risk vapor locking with something exiting both ends. Eleven hours of this before I finally got back to the office and, well, you know.
Debbie had a milestone event on Tuesday. She and Megan made a trip to Edmond for a visit to an oral surgeon. Megan is going to have her wisdom teeth removed in a few weeks. Debbie was able to navigate around the Edmond area without calling me for directions. It only took almost 22 years to figure it out. Any stories you wanna share about getting lost in OKC with your mother, Tara? hee hee.
Have a good evening.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Saturday in Greenville
We made it to Greenville last nite about 10 or 10:30. Tara and John were still awake but the kiddos were asleep.
Most of us are up and getting ready to go to the Scarborough Fair in Waxahachie, TX. Medievel fair. Looks like it's similar to Silver Dollar City type of crafts and stuff, but from King Henry VIII days. Should be fun.
Got one of the new Oklahoma license plates for Deb's car yesterday. They are pretty cool. Had to renew my driver's license, too. For several years, they require you to put your finger on a fingerprint scanner. I realized that my eye-hand coordination is really getting bad. The scanner is just the size of your finger and you have to put your finger on the center of it. I looked right at the scanner, moved my finger toward it, placed my finger on it, and mostly missed the damn thing. The lady said, "Sir, I need all of your finger on the center of it, please." LMAO.
Anyway, waiting for Tara and her family to get up and around. I hear commotion, so must be happening.
Have a good day.
Most of us are up and getting ready to go to the Scarborough Fair in Waxahachie, TX. Medievel fair. Looks like it's similar to Silver Dollar City type of crafts and stuff, but from King Henry VIII days. Should be fun.
Got one of the new Oklahoma license plates for Deb's car yesterday. They are pretty cool. Had to renew my driver's license, too. For several years, they require you to put your finger on a fingerprint scanner. I realized that my eye-hand coordination is really getting bad. The scanner is just the size of your finger and you have to put your finger on the center of it. I looked right at the scanner, moved my finger toward it, placed my finger on it, and mostly missed the damn thing. The lady said, "Sir, I need all of your finger on the center of it, please." LMAO.
Anyway, waiting for Tara and her family to get up and around. I hear commotion, so must be happening.
Have a good day.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Where your tax dollars go
Soap box time. Ahem.
Want to look at an intimidating chart? Check this out.
Visual guide to where your tax dollars go
This chart, or menagerie of graphs, shows how the tax dollars are divvied up between government programs and departments. I especially like the small pie chart using the dime near the upper right corner. The pie chart shows where the $$ comes from to fund government programs. The $$ used by the government comes from individual taxes, corporate taxes, employers' portions of taxes contributed per employee, estate taxes (and similar stuff), and money borrowed by the government. Notice that individual taxes make up over half of the money needed by the government. Employers and corporations make up about 25% of the money needed by the government. Those are the people we work for, or ourselves if self-employed. When the government needs more tax money to fund more programs, where will that tax money come from? You, me, our family members, and our neighbors if all of us provide over half the taxes needed by the government. If people making over $250000 per year make up about 10% of all individuals, how does increasing their taxes really help much? The rest of us will be asked to chip in some day. If you own a business, you get a double whammy through increased corporate and employer taxes plus individual taxes. Where's the incentive to be self-employed? Gotta wonder where our country is going and if it's worth it to take care of yourself instead of being on the government dole.
Rant completed. For now.
Want to look at an intimidating chart? Check this out.
Visual guide to where your tax dollars go
This chart, or menagerie of graphs, shows how the tax dollars are divvied up between government programs and departments. I especially like the small pie chart using the dime near the upper right corner. The pie chart shows where the $$ comes from to fund government programs. The $$ used by the government comes from individual taxes, corporate taxes, employers' portions of taxes contributed per employee, estate taxes (and similar stuff), and money borrowed by the government. Notice that individual taxes make up over half of the money needed by the government. Employers and corporations make up about 25% of the money needed by the government. Those are the people we work for, or ourselves if self-employed. When the government needs more tax money to fund more programs, where will that tax money come from? You, me, our family members, and our neighbors if all of us provide over half the taxes needed by the government. If people making over $250000 per year make up about 10% of all individuals, how does increasing their taxes really help much? The rest of us will be asked to chip in some day. If you own a business, you get a double whammy through increased corporate and employer taxes plus individual taxes. Where's the incentive to be self-employed? Gotta wonder where our country is going and if it's worth it to take care of yourself instead of being on the government dole.
Rant completed. For now.
Cool sketch wins award

Tara, do you remember Suzanne Bilbeisi? She is a professor of architecture at OSU and is one of the professors that worked with you in the REACH program. Suzanne is really petite, huge smile, very nice person. When I taught last fall at OSU, she asked how you were doing and I told her you have three children. She said to tell you to stop cuz it makes her feel really old. LOL. Anyway, her husband, Mo, is also a professor of architecture at OSU. He is a very talented artist, architect and a super nice guy. One of his sketches won a national award recently. Pretty cool. In my opinion, he is one of the reasons the OSU School of Architecture students win so many national awards. Congrats, Mo. Thought I'd share.
OSU Professor wins award for sketch
Mo's sketch is shown in this link along with others. Some cool stuff in there.
photos of ASAI award winning works
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Traveler's Guide to Toilets
Well, let this explain itself. Interesting and humorous.
Traveler's guide to toilets
Be sure and read the info under each photo. You might get charged extra for hockey tickets in India. How about photo number 8? Or photo number 10? Talk about a bare in the woods. LOL
Traveler's guide to toilets
Be sure and read the info under each photo. You might get charged extra for hockey tickets in India. How about photo number 8? Or photo number 10? Talk about a bare in the woods. LOL
Tax Day
Happy Tax Day. That's kind of an oxymoron, isn't it? How can anyone be happy about the day on which you might have to write a check to Uncle Sam to pay taxes? Not me. On February 10, a several tornadoes passed through the area. Because Oklahoma County was declared a disaster area, anyone whose accounting records are stored in the county gets until May 11 to file taxes. So, my accountant is waiting until then to finish our personal taxes. Guess I can hang onto my money for a few more days.
Words like "oxymoron" are hilarious to me. Where does that come from anyway? Oxy is a prefix for oxygen. Oxysulfide is a compound of oxygen and sulfur. So you'd think oxymoron would be a compound of oxygen and an idiot... er, moron. Not so. Oxymoron is figure of speech where two opposites are used together in a nonsensical manner. Like, the silence is deafening. huh?
Opossum cracks me up. Most of us around here say "possum" and the "o" is silent. I watched one of those nature shows a while back and they were doing something about nocturnal critters. The guy on there had a British accent. Which is another thing that I think is hilarious. Are most of the knowledgable animal guys from Britain or Australia? Anyway, the guy called them "opossums". Maybe being from Britain he thought the possums were Irish. hmmm.
Got an estimate from the insurance company for the white Mazda. About $2500 in damage. Very odd that Deb's CX9 had about $6000 in damage and both cars were damaged by the same hail storm. Deb's car is bigger so more hail stones hit it? Go figger.
Anyone participate in one of the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Parties protests that happened around the country? There was one in OKC today during lunch. I planned to attend and ended up being on the phone with a couple of clients during lunch instead. Dangit. Apparently there were about 5000 people there.
TEA Party photos from around the country
People at some of those gatherings dressed up with teabags hanging from hats and stuff. Some dressed up in colonial garb or Native Americans. Kinda funny. Hope it gets the attention of those in DC who need a wakeup call.
Anyway, have a good day and hope you are getting a refund.
Words like "oxymoron" are hilarious to me. Where does that come from anyway? Oxy is a prefix for oxygen. Oxysulfide is a compound of oxygen and sulfur. So you'd think oxymoron would be a compound of oxygen and an idiot... er, moron. Not so. Oxymoron is figure of speech where two opposites are used together in a nonsensical manner. Like, the silence is deafening. huh?
Opossum cracks me up. Most of us around here say "possum" and the "o" is silent. I watched one of those nature shows a while back and they were doing something about nocturnal critters. The guy on there had a British accent. Which is another thing that I think is hilarious. Are most of the knowledgable animal guys from Britain or Australia? Anyway, the guy called them "opossums". Maybe being from Britain he thought the possums were Irish. hmmm.
Got an estimate from the insurance company for the white Mazda. About $2500 in damage. Very odd that Deb's CX9 had about $6000 in damage and both cars were damaged by the same hail storm. Deb's car is bigger so more hail stones hit it? Go figger.
Anyone participate in one of the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Parties protests that happened around the country? There was one in OKC today during lunch. I planned to attend and ended up being on the phone with a couple of clients during lunch instead. Dangit. Apparently there were about 5000 people there.
TEA Party photos from around the country
People at some of those gatherings dressed up with teabags hanging from hats and stuff. Some dressed up in colonial garb or Native Americans. Kinda funny. Hope it gets the attention of those in DC who need a wakeup call.
Anyway, have a good day and hope you are getting a refund.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Sunday
Yesterday was a good day. Debbie made a ton of food, which is always good eatin'. Megan, her boyfriend Shawn, and his daughter Zada came over for breakfast around mid-morning. Debbie made biscuits and gravy, a fruit salad and her breakfast casserole. Very good. Later in the day, Debbie cooked a ham, scalloped potatoes, green bean casserole, apple pie and her chocolate dessert. I dunno what the chocolate dessert is called, but it's very rich and a chocolate lover's type of dessert. Kelsey and her boyfriend, Eric, ate dinner with us. Megan, Shawn and Zada were supposed to come back for dinner but they didn't show up. Must have been having fun in Perry with Shawn's family. Anyway, we have a bunch of leftovers. So much for cutting back on my food portions. hee hee.
We got alot of rain, too. Rained most of Saturday nite and most of the day on Sunday. Good soaking rain. The giant clover patch in the back yard is gonna grow into a jungle before I get a chance to mow it. dangit. Almost the entire back yard is covered in red clover. I did some research and discovered that clover grows in nitrogen-poor soil. So, I treated the soil with nitrogen several times last summer. The online landscaping gurus said clover won't grow in soil with lots of nitrogen. Either our soil is really, really nitrogen poor or the clover likes nitrogen more than the gurus know. As far as I can tell, the clover is thriving. Ah, well. It's green.
Have a good day
We got alot of rain, too. Rained most of Saturday nite and most of the day on Sunday. Good soaking rain. The giant clover patch in the back yard is gonna grow into a jungle before I get a chance to mow it. dangit. Almost the entire back yard is covered in red clover. I did some research and discovered that clover grows in nitrogen-poor soil. So, I treated the soil with nitrogen several times last summer. The online landscaping gurus said clover won't grow in soil with lots of nitrogen. Either our soil is really, really nitrogen poor or the clover likes nitrogen more than the gurus know. As far as I can tell, the clover is thriving. Ah, well. It's green.
Have a good day
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Fire photos
These are a few of the photos that Deb and I took of the burned area about 15 miles west of Stillwater. It's kinda hard to get a good sense of how large the area was that burned. Several miles and thousands of acres. At one time on Thursday during all of the fires in Oklahoma and Texas, I saw an image of the smoke plumes visible from satellites. Amazing the fires were large enough to be visible from outer space.
Photos of fires near Stillwater
Photos of fires near Stillwater
Saturday, April 11, 2009
I'd weigh 900 lbs on Jupiter
Think you have a weight problem on Earth? Check out your weight on other planets in our solar system. I ain't heavy, I'm from Jupiter.
Check your weight
Hope that link works. By the weigh... I mean, way... I ain't that heavy on Jupiter. Only slightly more than half of 900 lbs. hee hee. Word of advice, don't visit a neutron star. Yikes.
Dyed any eggs yet? How 'bout yer fingers? hee hee.
Have a good weekend.
Check your weight
Hope that link works. By the weigh... I mean, way... I ain't that heavy on Jupiter. Only slightly more than half of 900 lbs. hee hee. Word of advice, don't visit a neutron star. Yikes.
Dyed any eggs yet? How 'bout yer fingers? hee hee.
Have a good weekend.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Hail damage
Debbie's CX9 and my car received hail damage a couple of weeks ago. The insurance company stopped by my office today and looked at the CX9. The adjustor said there is almost $6000 in hail damage. I sent an email to Debbie about the amount. According to her reply, she almost shit her pants. Poor Deb. Her car got hit by a dumbass on a motorcycle and did several thousand dollars in damage. Now hail damage. Knocked all the new right off that car. I have no idea about the white car. The adjustor was supposed to look at it either yesterday or today. I have not been contacted about it yet.
Kelsey is driving the Bonneville. Last nite Deb and I pull into the driveway at the house and see something sticking up off of the Bonneville. Somehow, the trim that runs around the top of the windshield, along both sides above the doors and around the back window was sticking up in the air like a big loop. Kelsey said it happened after that hail storm. I had her go to the body shop where Debbie's CX9 was repaired after the motorcycle kamikazed her. Kelsey told the guy that I said take the car to him. He asked who I was. Kelsey told him my name and Deb's name. He said, "Dean? You work at Rib Crib? I'll fix ya up." After he worked on the CX9, Deb gave them a couple of nice gift certificates to Rib Crib. Guess they remembered. hee hee. Either that or you gotta send a cute little girl with big, sad eyes. Anyway, Kelsey got her repairs done at no charge. We are getting ready to take the CX9 to them. I gotta feeling Deb will be buying some more Rib Crib gift certificates. Speaking of that, I'm hungry!
Have a good one.
Kelsey is driving the Bonneville. Last nite Deb and I pull into the driveway at the house and see something sticking up off of the Bonneville. Somehow, the trim that runs around the top of the windshield, along both sides above the doors and around the back window was sticking up in the air like a big loop. Kelsey said it happened after that hail storm. I had her go to the body shop where Debbie's CX9 was repaired after the motorcycle kamikazed her. Kelsey told the guy that I said take the car to him. He asked who I was. Kelsey told him my name and Deb's name. He said, "Dean? You work at Rib Crib? I'll fix ya up." After he worked on the CX9, Deb gave them a couple of nice gift certificates to Rib Crib. Guess they remembered. hee hee. Either that or you gotta send a cute little girl with big, sad eyes. Anyway, Kelsey got her repairs done at no charge. We are getting ready to take the CX9 to them. I gotta feeling Deb will be buying some more Rib Crib gift certificates. Speaking of that, I'm hungry!
Have a good one.
Wow. What a day yesterday was for fires around the state!
There was a huge fire west of Stillwater that caused I-35 to be closed at least two different times. The interstate was closed during the late afternoon when the fire was burning near the intersection of I-35 and highway 51 about 15 miles west of Stillwater. Highway 51 runs east-to-west through Stillwater and is Sixth Street in town. Later in the evening, the interstate was opened and then closed again farther north near Perry, Oklahoma. Deb and I will try to take some photos of the area tonite on our way home. Lotsa blackened areas around I-35 and highway 51 intersection.
There was another fire a few miles north of the Stillwater airport. Apparently this fire was started by embers created by the fire west of town. Our house is about 3 miles southeast of where this fire was burning.
As of this morning, it appeared that both fires near Stillwater were no longer burning. Several thousand acres scorched by both fires. A few homes lost. Someone reported the fire started when someone tossed a cigarette out of a vehicle. sheesh.
The huge fire in the Midwest City, Oklahoma area burned over 100 buildings, mostly houses. It is still burning in several locations.
Several other fires around Oklahoma. Apparently one in SE Oklahoma has been burning for several days.
I saw on the www that a tornado was spotted near Miami last nite. I cannot find anything about it yet.
Be careful today and hope everyone is ok.
There was a huge fire west of Stillwater that caused I-35 to be closed at least two different times. The interstate was closed during the late afternoon when the fire was burning near the intersection of I-35 and highway 51 about 15 miles west of Stillwater. Highway 51 runs east-to-west through Stillwater and is Sixth Street in town. Later in the evening, the interstate was opened and then closed again farther north near Perry, Oklahoma. Deb and I will try to take some photos of the area tonite on our way home. Lotsa blackened areas around I-35 and highway 51 intersection.
There was another fire a few miles north of the Stillwater airport. Apparently this fire was started by embers created by the fire west of town. Our house is about 3 miles southeast of where this fire was burning.
As of this morning, it appeared that both fires near Stillwater were no longer burning. Several thousand acres scorched by both fires. A few homes lost. Someone reported the fire started when someone tossed a cigarette out of a vehicle. sheesh.
The huge fire in the Midwest City, Oklahoma area burned over 100 buildings, mostly houses. It is still burning in several locations.
Several other fires around Oklahoma. Apparently one in SE Oklahoma has been burning for several days.
I saw on the www that a tornado was spotted near Miami last nite. I cannot find anything about it yet.
Be careful today and hope everyone is ok.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
big wildfires near Stillwater
There are a couple of huge wildfires west and northwest of Stillwater. Winds gusting to 50 mph. The KFOR TV, channel 4 website (Oklahoma City tv station) is live streaming video of the fires. One fire is a few miles northwest of the house. Yikes!
tornado watches, high winds. dang. Too late to work on flexibility to kiss my butt goodbye??
tornado watches, high winds. dang. Too late to work on flexibility to kiss my butt goodbye??
Only two words
A few weeks ago, Debbie's supervisor was telling a story about how she was harrassing a restaurant server who was an OSU fan. Debbie's supervisor asked the server if he knew the OSU fight song and if so, he had to sing it to prove he was a true fan. The kid didn't want to sing, so Debbie's supervisor said the kid wasn't a true fan. Debbie's supervisor said she was a true OU fan and started singing Boomer Sooner. Debbie told her, "It's easy to learn that song. There are only two words." Apparently her supervisor was not too amused. LMAO
That will teach us a lesson or two
Good Thursday afternoon. Nice warm day today. Windy. Looks like a chance of rain, but so far nothing happening.
This Sunday is Easter. We haven't dyed eggs yet. Although I'm not sure what the point would be now that we don't have little kids in the house. Guess Debbie and I can take turns hiding them from each other. Wonder how long it will take before we begin to wonder what we are doing standing in the back yard holding a basket? hee hee.
I sent a package to Tara. Debbie put the goods in a flat-rate USPS box. After standing in line for about 15 minutes at the local post office, I learned that the flat rate was $11. Shipping based on weight was about $6. Thinking economically, I decided to repackage the goods re-using a box from the office and save a coupla dollars. When I got back to the office, all the small boxes were gone. I would have to buy a box. At about the same price I was gonna save on shipping. Turns out not to be such a good idea. I used the flat-rate box to ship the stuff to Tara for $11. Didn't save diddly. That will teach me a lesson to try a save a $$.
Debbie had an exciting day at work on Tuesday. The coworker that was supposed to be Worker of the Day didn't show up. Worker of the Day is supposed to see the people who just stop by without having an appointment. Debbie volunteered to see some of the people. Turns out that each person she met with had a wierd issue that took quite a bit of time to resolve. By the end of the day, she was pretty frustrated. I told her that's what she gets for volunteering. No good deed ever goes unpunished. In this case, several good deeds. LOL
I am working on a project in downtown Oklahoma City. The area east of downtown is called Bricktown. It was the industrial and warehouse area back in the early 1900's. Several old buildings have been and are being renovated into offices and restaurants. Most of the buildings are in pretty sad condition having been abandoned for decades. For years, I have passed over a bridge very close to one of the multi-story buildings. One of my architectural client's office is near that building. The Bricktown baseball park is nearby as are several restaurants that we like to visit. I take that road from Debbie's office to my office, so I see the building every day. It was obvious the building was not being used and has been neglected maintenance-wise. The wall nearest the bridge has several big cracks in the wall. Cracks wide enough that you can see daylight through them, even as you pass by in a car. My primary thought was, "Someone needs to tear that down before it collapses on someone else." Well, guess what. That's the building that my client purchased and wants to renovate into his new construction company offices. I tried like the devil to say I was too busy because I really didn't want to mess with it. Finally, another contractor that I've worked with alot stopped by my office and practically begged me to help. Man, this building is messed up. We will have to demolish that wall near the bridge and completely reconstruct it. Luckily, the owner has a good head on his shoulders and realized how bad the structural stability is for that side of the building. This whole thing taught me not to obsess over a building lest it become my problem. Lesson learned. Maybe.
On occasion, my partner and I will work on a project that turns into a real pain in the pooper. We hope the client doesn't make a return visit. Usually they don't. Unless we happen to mention, "I wonder what happened to so-and-so? That project sure was a nasty one." For some reason, speaking their name out loud often results in a phone call from that client asking if we are interested in another job with them. Every time that happens, Russell or I say, "We forgot not to say it out loud, didn't we?" LOL
When I was a younger guy, I kinda made fun of older guys with hairy backs. Dangit. Lesson learned too late.
You know how to tell when people have dyed Easter eggs? The tips of their fingers are tinted funny colors. hee hee.
Have a nice day.
This Sunday is Easter. We haven't dyed eggs yet. Although I'm not sure what the point would be now that we don't have little kids in the house. Guess Debbie and I can take turns hiding them from each other. Wonder how long it will take before we begin to wonder what we are doing standing in the back yard holding a basket? hee hee.
I sent a package to Tara. Debbie put the goods in a flat-rate USPS box. After standing in line for about 15 minutes at the local post office, I learned that the flat rate was $11. Shipping based on weight was about $6. Thinking economically, I decided to repackage the goods re-using a box from the office and save a coupla dollars. When I got back to the office, all the small boxes were gone. I would have to buy a box. At about the same price I was gonna save on shipping. Turns out not to be such a good idea. I used the flat-rate box to ship the stuff to Tara for $11. Didn't save diddly. That will teach me a lesson to try a save a $$.
Debbie had an exciting day at work on Tuesday. The coworker that was supposed to be Worker of the Day didn't show up. Worker of the Day is supposed to see the people who just stop by without having an appointment. Debbie volunteered to see some of the people. Turns out that each person she met with had a wierd issue that took quite a bit of time to resolve. By the end of the day, she was pretty frustrated. I told her that's what she gets for volunteering. No good deed ever goes unpunished. In this case, several good deeds. LOL
I am working on a project in downtown Oklahoma City. The area east of downtown is called Bricktown. It was the industrial and warehouse area back in the early 1900's. Several old buildings have been and are being renovated into offices and restaurants. Most of the buildings are in pretty sad condition having been abandoned for decades. For years, I have passed over a bridge very close to one of the multi-story buildings. One of my architectural client's office is near that building. The Bricktown baseball park is nearby as are several restaurants that we like to visit. I take that road from Debbie's office to my office, so I see the building every day. It was obvious the building was not being used and has been neglected maintenance-wise. The wall nearest the bridge has several big cracks in the wall. Cracks wide enough that you can see daylight through them, even as you pass by in a car. My primary thought was, "Someone needs to tear that down before it collapses on someone else." Well, guess what. That's the building that my client purchased and wants to renovate into his new construction company offices. I tried like the devil to say I was too busy because I really didn't want to mess with it. Finally, another contractor that I've worked with alot stopped by my office and practically begged me to help. Man, this building is messed up. We will have to demolish that wall near the bridge and completely reconstruct it. Luckily, the owner has a good head on his shoulders and realized how bad the structural stability is for that side of the building. This whole thing taught me not to obsess over a building lest it become my problem. Lesson learned. Maybe.
On occasion, my partner and I will work on a project that turns into a real pain in the pooper. We hope the client doesn't make a return visit. Usually they don't. Unless we happen to mention, "I wonder what happened to so-and-so? That project sure was a nasty one." For some reason, speaking their name out loud often results in a phone call from that client asking if we are interested in another job with them. Every time that happens, Russell or I say, "We forgot not to say it out loud, didn't we?" LOL
When I was a younger guy, I kinda made fun of older guys with hairy backs. Dangit. Lesson learned too late.
You know how to tell when people have dyed Easter eggs? The tips of their fingers are tinted funny colors. hee hee.
Have a nice day.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Fussy Nana
Tara Lynn!!! Stop calling your mother and telling her sad stories 'bout your chilluns getting shots in the lip. She fussed telling me about Oliver's shot while we were eating dinner at Carino's. She fussed as we were going home afterward. She called me an asshole for making fun of her. Nana is sooooo sensitive. hee hee.
Anyone see the Burger King commercial about Sponge Bob Square Pants? "I like square butts and I cannot lie!" Um, yeah. LOL
Have a good evening.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Big weather change
Holy, mukluks, Batman! The wind is blowing about 30 mph. With the temperature in the mid-40s', the wind chill must be in the low 30's. Stinkin' cold out there. It was sunny and about 80 degrees yesterday. I saw on the weather channel there is a bunch of snow north of here. Glad it's not coming south but wish they would keep the cold wind up there, too.
OSU is playing baseball against the University of Texas today in Stillwater. Those guys are problably freezing up in this wind. wow.
I'm at the office trying to stay ahead of a sudden boom in the workload. Don't want to complain too much since we were considering layoffs about a month ago.
Debbie is shoe shopping around OKC today. We had lunch together at a restaurant called Pioneer Pies. I've had lunch there several times over the last few years. Pretty good food. Kinda home-style. In the past, I had their burgers. Huge, very tasty burgers. Today, Deb and I had the meatloaf. That was good, too. Each meal comes with a piece of pie. I had coconut cream. Deb had German chocolate cream. Neither of us could finish it off. Huge pieces of pie. Kinda full right now. Deb was concerned she would not be able to bend over and try on a shoe. hee hee.
Have a good Sunday afternoon.
OSU is playing baseball against the University of Texas today in Stillwater. Those guys are problably freezing up in this wind. wow.
I'm at the office trying to stay ahead of a sudden boom in the workload. Don't want to complain too much since we were considering layoffs about a month ago.
Debbie is shoe shopping around OKC today. We had lunch together at a restaurant called Pioneer Pies. I've had lunch there several times over the last few years. Pretty good food. Kinda home-style. In the past, I had their burgers. Huge, very tasty burgers. Today, Deb and I had the meatloaf. That was good, too. Each meal comes with a piece of pie. I had coconut cream. Deb had German chocolate cream. Neither of us could finish it off. Huge pieces of pie. Kinda full right now. Deb was concerned she would not be able to bend over and try on a shoe. hee hee.
Have a good Sunday afternoon.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Squeeze Bacon, Squeeze Cheese, Squeeze... just about anything
Who doesn't like bacon? Awesome smelling. Great tasting. You can eat it by itself. With eggs. Eat it in sandwiches. Crumble it up and put it on a salad. Mix it with veggies. Put some in a pot of beans. Oh, yum! Bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon. Don't like the muss and fuss of frying up some bacon to put that yummy goodness on your sandwich or burger? No problem. Have a bottle of bacon. Yup. Not just any bottle, but a SQUEEZE bottle. Oh, baby.
Want some cheese on that burger? How about some Squeeze Cheese?
When that Squeeze Cheese bottle gets empty, it's kinda hard to tell whether that squeeze cheese noise is coming from you or the bottle. hee hee.
Want a peanut butter sandwich? Don't want to pack a knife and jar around? How about some squeeze peanut butter?
You can even do squeeze jelly!! Gotta recommend the strawberry. mmmm.
I'm hungry. Pardon me whilst I squeeze cheese.
Have a good day.
Want some cheese on that burger? How about some Squeeze Cheese?
When that Squeeze Cheese bottle gets empty, it's kinda hard to tell whether that squeeze cheese noise is coming from you or the bottle. hee hee.
Want a peanut butter sandwich? Don't want to pack a knife and jar around? How about some squeeze peanut butter?
You can even do squeeze jelly!! Gotta recommend the strawberry. mmmm.
I'm hungry. Pardon me whilst I squeeze cheese.
Have a good day.
Friday, April 3, 2009
New laptop
Coming to you live from our new laptop. Well, not so live cuz by the time you read this, this post is no longer live. Anyway, having fun with it.
Eleanor and Laura just showed up to spend the nite before going to OKC in the morning. Laura and Deb are chatting about Precious Moments pictures for a couple of quilts Laura is working on for Maggie and Oliver.
Have a good one.
Eleanor and Laura just showed up to spend the nite before going to OKC in the morning. Laura and Deb are chatting about Precious Moments pictures for a couple of quilts Laura is working on for Maggie and Oliver.
Have a good one.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste
I wore slacks today instead of my usual denims. A few minutes ago, I was walking through the lobby outside the office and heard something that sounded like keys jingling. Since there is no one nearby, I couldn't figure out where the sound was coming from. I went into my office and heard the sound again. No one around. I then realized the sound was coming from the coins jingling in my pocket. When I wear jeans, the change doesn't make any noise when I walk but the coins kinda jingle together in my slacks pocket. Dang. First the freaky ass dreams. Now this. Almost 50 and losing my mind. LMAO
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Dude proposed on the Brooklyn Bridge, and dropped the ring through a crack in the deck. Guess you gotta get the bad stuff out of the way early in the relationship.
Debbie bought some tamales from a women who stops by Deb's office once a week. Not certain they fit into my plan to eliminate as much cholesterol in my diet as possible, tho. But, they are good. Just sayin'.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Weather yo-yo
Springtime is a bit odd right now. Less than a week ago, northwest Oklahoma had almost 2 feet of snow. Temps in the 30's. Monday temperatures in the mid-70's and we had thunderstorms. Tuesday temps in the lower 50's. Today's temperatures were in the low-70's. Another chance of rain. Tomorrow's temps are supposed to be in the 50's again. Then, back into the 70's by Friday. Another chance of rain over the weekend. It's true. The weather does change alot around here.
Debbie just informed me I had $20.80 in text messages last month. Hope I don't have to do extra chores around the house.
Tara, I'm not planning on getting an iphone. Too much technology for me to mess with. I heard about the iphone stuff on the radio. Thought it was hilarious.
Anyone else think the Shamwow guy is a tad kooky? LOL
One year ago today, Debbie started working at one of the DHS offices in Oklahoma City. I'll let her tell the story about the vast differences between the OKC and Stillwater offices. Her supervisor in Stillwater was Richard. Apparently, Dick wasn't just his nickname. One thing I know for sure, she's a much happier person because of the change in workplaces. I believe she has a better appreciation for the two hours of driving each day, too. Debbie probably wonders how the heck I can drive for an hour and not have much to say. I've never been very talkative. But I will say, it is nice to have her in the car with me during the trip.
A few weeks ago, an astroid almost hit the earth. I just read an article on about an asteroid that did hit the earth last October. It entered the atmosphere in the Sudan desert. Cool stuff.
Have a good evening.
Debbie just informed me I had $20.80 in text messages last month. Hope I don't have to do extra chores around the house.
Tara, I'm not planning on getting an iphone. Too much technology for me to mess with. I heard about the iphone stuff on the radio. Thought it was hilarious.
Anyone else think the Shamwow guy is a tad kooky? LOL
One year ago today, Debbie started working at one of the DHS offices in Oklahoma City. I'll let her tell the story about the vast differences between the OKC and Stillwater offices. Her supervisor in Stillwater was Richard. Apparently, Dick wasn't just his nickname. One thing I know for sure, she's a much happier person because of the change in workplaces. I believe she has a better appreciation for the two hours of driving each day, too. Debbie probably wonders how the heck I can drive for an hour and not have much to say. I've never been very talkative. But I will say, it is nice to have her in the car with me during the trip.
A few weeks ago, an astroid almost hit the earth. I just read an article on about an asteroid that did hit the earth last October. It entered the atmosphere in the Sudan desert. Cool stuff.
Have a good evening.
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