We had a bunch of rain today. In fact, it has rained every day since Monday. Kelsey said the streets were flooding on Monday afternoon. We need the rain, though.
Debbie made manicottis last nite. Those are really good. She changed up the recipe and added mushrooms and spinach. Made them even better. Did I say I really like her cooking? I duz.
We tried a new BBQ restaurant tonite. It's not really new as it's been around a while. It's near Quail Springs Mall. Can't remember the name, but it wasn't too bad. Their spicy sauce is not spicy. Didn't have the heart to tell the guy when he asked how everything was.
One of Carl Edwards' race cars was parked across the street from Debbie's office last week. Got a couple of photos of it. Interesting because he was in a terrible wreck on Sunday at Talladega. His car flew up in the air on the last lap. The car hit the restraining fence in front of the seats. Scary accident. Especially since 8 people were injured by debris from the fence and the car. Makes the seats way up high from the track a whole lot more attractive.
Here is video of the wreck. Amazing that after the car flew through the air, hit the fence and the track, Carl was able to get out and run to the finish line. RUN!! Absolutely amazing he wasn't seriously injured. Safety features and downright toughness saved him.
Carl Edwards wrecks at Talladega
Too bad Kelsey's former boyfriend, David Nelson, did not have those safety features last Saturday. He was killed in a wreck near Stillwater. 21 year old engineering student at OSU. Two other people were with him in the vehicle and they were not seriously injured, in spite of one of the passengers being thrown from the car. Sad. Condolences to his family and many friends. Kelsey and Megan worked with him at Rib Crib. They and several of the Rib Crib crew will attend his funeral this Friday afternoon in OKC.
Scary wreck. Funny that he ran across the finish line. That would stink so bad to wreck that close to the end. ARRRRGH!
Mom told me about David. Really sad. Stuff like that really hits home.
Did mom put spinach in the cheese manicottis? That sounds REALLY good!
Yeah, she put spinach in the meat and cheese manicottis. The spinach made a good manicotti even better. Having some for lunch in a few minutes. I'll tell ya about it later if'n you want me to.
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