Wonder why those teeth way in the back of your mouth are called wisdom teeth. They don't do anything but cause trouble. Megan had four removed this morning. She's doing alot of sleeping right now.
At the surgery center not long after she had the teeth removed, Megan was in a recovery room with a mouth full of gauze. And trying to talk. Kinda hard to understand her. Megan asked to see her teeth, but since she didn't ask before the surgery the surgeon had already tossed them in the biohazard waste container. I told her we could find a big ole horse tooth like Danny did for Tara many years ago. Can't remember why that happened, tho. Anyway, Megan's eyes were watering alot because of the anethesia. She kept wiping them with tissues. She tried to get a tissue to stay on her eye and it fell off a few times. Suddenly, Megan had the tissue on her finger and jabbed herself in the eye trying to get the tissue to stick. I was laughing and Megan said, "I'm gonna hit you with a soggy one." But with all the gauze in her mouth, it sounded like, "I wanna eat two froggy buns." Or something weird like that. Debbie told Megan I was gonna have some good stuff for the blog. Megan raised up with a weird look on her face to see if I had a video camera. LOL. Wish I had one cuz she looked funny.
Hopefully, she'll feel better soon.
1 comment:
Poor Megan. Hopefully her cheeks don't bruise like mine did.
Papa had a horse's tooth pulled, and he gave it to me to put under my pillow for the tooth fairy. I think I got a whole dollar for that honkin' big tooth.
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