Sunday, March 6, 2011

Spring is springing

Flowers are starting to bloom in the front garden.  A daffodil and a crocus.  Purty.

Will have a few more crocus soon.  Should have yellow and white ones blooming.  The blooms do not last long at all.

Should also have some tulips.  They are kind of iffy in the front of the house.  Turns out I planted them in an area that doesn't get enough sunlight.  Bummer.  The leaves always come up and once in a while they have blooms.  There will be some huge irises in a few months that were in the garden when we moved in.  I think they have been there for many years cuz the bulbs/roots are huge.  Flowers are pretty though.

Anyway, good to see stuff starting to green up.  Summer is coming!!!


Tara said...

Awesome! All of our Bradford Pears down here are blooming. Warmer weather is here!!!

Roy and Debbie said...

Bradford pears are starting to bloom in OKC. Waiting on the redbuds which are really cool to see along the highways in the middle of the other leafless trees. I wish all of the crocus would bloom at the same time. It's always just one or two and just for a couple of days.