Friday, March 12, 2010

Learning to speak another language

OK.  I've wanted to learn to speak Spanish for a long time.  I took Spanish in junior high for two years, but I remember almost none of it now.  I can count and remember a few words, but certainly not at a conversational level.  So I see these advertisements on television about these stones that you can get to help you learn a different language.  Supposedly, the stones make learning a language very easy.  Hey, great!  We have lots of those in Oklahoma.  So, I got one of them and I've carried it around for a week.  I still can't speak Spanish any better than before. What the heck?  Why the big scam about using rose stones to help you learn any language easily?  It just doesn't work.  Now, it's a cool rock, don't get me wrong.  And, it's the official state rock of Oklahoma, which is pretty cool, too.  But it won't help you learn a language.  Buyer beware.  All you are gonna get is a rock.


Tara said...

That's cuz it's just a rock. Maybe you gotta get one of those huge ones like they have at the Love's in Ardmore. That one's more like a stone.

Roy and Debbie said...

I think all you are gonna get from the rock at Love's is a hernia.

Tara said...

I need to get my eyes checked. I read "hemorrhoid" instead of "hernia". :O