Friday, March 19, 2010

Workin' for the Weekend

Debbie and I are going south to see Tara, John and the grandchilluns.  Just in time it appears as the weatherpornographers are forecasting near blizzard conditions for tomorrow afternoon, Saturday nite and Sunday morning.  "He misspelled weatherprognosticator," you say.  Not really.  The people around here really screw up the forecasts, sooooo...  The last time they predicted a big snow, we went out and bought provisions in case we lost power.  We got nothing but a stockpile of provisions. 

Megan has been in Midland all week.  She is coming back to Stillwater just in time for the "blizzard."  hee hee

Kelsey is supposed to go to Tulsa for a concert Saturday nite.  Hope she can get there before the "blizzard" hits. 

On a side note, I got some new tenny-runners.  :) 

Been fighting a stye my left eyelid.  Gads, those things are gnarly.  Only second time I've ever had one.  I can go the rest of my life without another.  Reading on the www about them.  Apparently stress can cause them.  That makes sense.  First time I got one was right after we started the company.  This time, it's been really, really busy at work.  Stress makes sense.  I'm looking forward to this weekend with Debbie and Tara.  De-stress a little. 

Everyone have a great weekend.  I know Deb and I will.

1 comment:

Tara said...

We'll have a good weekend, that's for sure!