Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Twilight Zone Moment

Last week, a repeat client called and asked me to help him design a bridge for a project out in the middle of nowhere.  The site is in eastern Oklahoma at a storage site where they place flyash.  They need to drive trucks across the bridge and dump the flyash out of the trucks into a hopper under the bridge.  More info than you wanted to know, right? hee hee.  Anyway, I worked on it for almost 2 days to do what he and I had talked about the day he contacted me.  Just as I was about to finish, he called and said he wanted the whole thing to be portable.  ruh roh.  Our original discussion did not address portability and my design certainly was not portable.  We discussed the portability issues and he said finish what I had so far because the owner is in a hurry.  I sent what I had late one evening last week.  I have not heard anything from him since.  About an hour ago, Russell and I were talking about our workload.  I mentioned the bridge project.  About that time the phone rang.  Just before I answered the phone, I said, "That's probably Saeed."  And that's who was on the phone to discuss the bridge project.  Weird, weird, weird. 


Tara said...

What's flyash??


Roy and Debbie said...

LOL. I figured someone would ask. It's the ash left over after burning coal in electrical power plants, like the one at Oolagah and a few other places in Oklahoma and around the country. Not sure why it's called FLYash, but it is. Sometimes, it is used in concrete to replace some of the cement. Mostly, it is a waste product that gets dumped into a hole somewhere and covered up with dirt.

Karen said...

Oh I didn't have to ask...I knew what it was - NOT! Is the portability part going to ultimately work out - sounds fascinating!