Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Back on August 9, I posted about an old building that I was working on in OKC. I finished my portion of the project and was glad to be finished with a task. This morning, I received a call from the architect about the project. One of his clients is interested in leasing the entire 2nd floor of that old building. The owner is really glad because he has not received a single inquiry about the property since he bought it last fall. The kicker is that everything the architect and I worked on for the last few weeks will be for naught if the architect's client leases the entire second floor. All of the work to design an elevator, stairs, ramps between the various floor levels... re-do it. Good thing we get paid for the first round of design and then for the 2nd round. Well, some folks call us "practicing" engineers for a reason.

Talking about old buildings, I met with the owner, architect and contractor for the other one that I posted about several months ago. The one with the gigantic cracks in the walls. We were discussing various things that needed to be done for the renovation. The architect asked the owner how his business was doing. The owner is a road and bridge builder. He said things were going well. For some reason, he looked right at me and said, "Why? Do I need alot of money?" I just smiled. He didn't. LOL

1 comment:

e said...

Roy, did you stick out your tongue tooooo?