Sunday, September 6, 2009

Jupiter and its moons

Went outside tonite and looked at Jupiter through the telescope. We could easily see three of Jupiter's moons. Did not stay outside for long as the mosquitoes were thick and drove me batty. I let in several bugs while taking the telescope outside and bringing it back in later. It is warmer in the summer to be outside, but you have to fight the bugs and heat. Plus, you have to wait so late before it is dark enough to see alot of stuff. Winter provides more hours of darkness, but it is cold! It's tough being an astronomer. Yeah, whatevah! It is fun, I know that for sure.

Had a boring day hanging around the house. Not a bad way to spend a weekend. Hee hee. Debbie is getting stir crazy. I went to the driving range and hit about 80 balls. First time I've had a golf club in my hands in over 2 years. Really fun just to whack away. Makes me want to play 18 tho.

Kelsey worked alot of hours the last couple of days. Made some good money in tips apparently. She earned it working almost 30 hours in two days. Yikes.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.

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