Saturday, October 10, 2009

Spider in the dark

I was sitting on the couch checking out sports stuff on the www when Debbie came through the kitchen carrying the garbage bag. She was headed toward the back door to the trash container. I told her I'd take it out and she bolted out the door. I chased her onto the back patio. She got to the edge of the patio, stopped suddenly and handed me the bag. "I'll let you take it. There might be a spider out there." LOL. It's dark and sometimes after sunset, those big hairy spiders build webs between the corner of the house and the fence. Cracked me up.


Tara said...

Or sometimes you go out in the back yard in the dark and there's something rustling around out there in the dark and it freaks you out enough that you come running back to the house yelling. In the dark.

Roy and Debbie said...

"There's something out there!!!" LOL. One of the funniest moments in our family's history.

Tara said...

Funniest to YOU! :)

By the way, I didn't know big hairy spiders built webs between the house and fence. I've taken lots of poopy diapers out to the trash can in the dark at your house. I might start leaving them on the back porch next to the door like I do at home. Don't want no repeat of the "Rustling Critter" from years back.

Roy and Debbie said...

I don't know if it's the same spider or not, but every summer nite since we've moved into this house, there is a huge brown spider that builds a web somewhere along the south side of the house. Sometimes the web is between the storage shed and the backyard fence. Sometimes it's between the cedar tree and the neighbor's house. A few times the web has been on the back patio. But it's there every nite. When I go outside after dark, I take the broom and wave it around to knock down the web. One morning I took out the trash, forgot to grab the broom and ran into the web. After I went into the house I saw the spider on my pant leg just below the knee. I went outside and brushed it off. A few days later, I saw the web across the back patio. I knocked it down and the spider was near the trash cans again a few nites later. Resilient little booger.