Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I stayed in Stillwater today for a daylong engineering seminar at OSU. We didn't have the mystery meat for lunch. That makes me think of a post I made on the other blog about Debbie attending a seminar. Maybe I need to find that and repost it.

Debbie stayed in Stillwater, too. She spent the day taking care of some business and doing a bit of shopping. She bought a few blouses and a sweater. Debbie tried on the sweater to show it to me and commented, "The sleeves are supposed to be three-quarter length but I think they are a little longer than than. About three-fourths." As I was walking into the kitchen laughing, she said, "That's the same thing, huh?" Yup. We both got a good laugh out of that one.

The other day she was cooking something and wanted to know what was half-way between 1/4 and 1/2. I said, "Three eighths." She said I was a nerd for knowing that so quickly. Um, guess so. But I know three-quarters is the same as three-fourths pretty quickly, too. LMAO.

Have a good one!