Thursday, January 28, 2010


Debbie bought some tea at Penn Square a few weeks ago. She was making some a few minutes ago.  It smells kinda like apple cider.

I saw the tea in a cup on the cabinet a few days ago and wondered why Kelsey put catnip in a cup. Showing my Okie sophistication there. LOL. This is what it looks like after she makes the tea.  Doesn't that look kinda like catnip? 

The tea looks like grass. Some of it smells good in the can. One smells like the clippings I clean out from under the lawn mower. hmmm. Maybe I can dry that stuff and sell it as tea?

This is what it looks like in the canister.

She has another type that looks like flower petals. Well, at least after she pours water on it. Before that, it looks like a dried up wad of chewing tobacco. hee hee. More evidence of my Okie sophistication that my frame of reference is a wad of chaw. LOL.

This is what the blossom looks like after Debbie makes tea. 

Debbie is the tea sipper around here. LOL
I believe I will keep drinking regular iced tea and coffee.  Generally, I drink Folgers but I bought a bag of Starbucks Morning Joe coffee last week.  Pretty good stuff.

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