Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Debbie's Bling

Several months ago, Debbie and I went to an antique store in OKC.  She found a necklace that she liked and we bought it.  The tag said the necklace was a Whiting & Davis piece.  A few clicks of the mouse on the www led Debbie to a world of some pretty cool jewelry.  She found another necklace with matching earrings on a website.  She found a Whiting & Davis cameo ring a month or so ago at the same antique store.  One of her coworker's mother is an antique dealer who has a booth at the antique store where Debbie bought the first necklace and the ring.  Tonite, Debbie bought two necklaces and a bracelet.  One of the necklaces has matching earrings.  Over the weekend, we saw several of those chain-link style purses.   I know there is a technical name, but I'm jewelry illiterate.  Guess all I gotta know is how to pay for it.  hee hee.

The first necklace.

The second one from the internet store.

One of the newest necklace purchases.

The other necklace, matching earrings, and the bracelet she bought today.
The flowers are relief cut into the black stone. 

Cameo bracelet.  Very cool.  It changes colors as you move it around.

The cameo ring.


Karen said...

Those are gorgeous - thank you so much for posting! Hope ya'll are going someplace special to wear them SOON :). The set with the matching bracelet is especially stunning. Have fun and I'll keep a lookout on the east coast whenever I have the chance!

Tara said...

Mom's turning into a regular Fancy Nancy these days!

Roy and Debbie said...

Debbie wears that stuff to work. For the last 30 years, I've wanted to buy jewelry for her and she'd always say no. Except for her wedding ring, the ring with the girls' birthstone, and occasionally wearing her pearls, she didn't wear jewelry. She was really reluctant to buy the first one but finally gave in after a little coaxing. Dang, she's makin' up for lost time now! Ha ha. It might all be costume jewelry, but it looks good. Debbie really likes the stone necklaces that we bought Tara, Megan and Kelsey last year in Santa Fe. At the time, I couldn't talk her into getting one made for her. She wants to go back and get her own stone necklace.

Roy and Debbie said...

How did ya'll like the blue background? It is Deb's bathrobe over a roll of toilet paper! LMAO!

Tara said...

Nice. A robe over a tp roll. Did the job, huh? Heehee.

Roy and Debbie said...

Kinda makes you wonder about the "fancy" settings you see in the big time jewelry photos...

Anonymous said...

Very pretty, I think those are lovely pieces, and I can see why Debbie loves them.
