Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fun Saturday

Debbie and I spent all day milling around several antique stores in the Oklahoma City area.  Four or five in Bethany and three near the OKC fairgrounds.  Lots of cool stuff to see.  Debbie is into buying vintage jewelry.  Her favorite is Whiting-Davis jewelry.  Didn't find any jewelry she liked today.  She found about 15 vinyl albums of several classic rock artists including Jimmy Hendrix, Peter Frampton, Fleetwood Mac, Bob Seger.  All or most of them appear to be from the record collection of a former disc jockey.  Pretty good condition.  I found a cool print of a pen and ink drawing.  Fun day with my lady.

This is on a road not far from my office.  Not sure what lane is closed.  Especially since there is nothing happening on the road beyond the sign.  LOL

Hope everyone else had a good weekend, too.