Wednesday, January 12, 2011


There is a Mexican soup that I really like but don't get to eat often.  It is called pozole.  It has pork, hominy, green chilis, red pepper, cumin and some other stuff.  I've mentioned it a few times, especially when we are at Mexican restaurants but most places do not have it.  At least around Oklahoma.  Anyway, Debbie found a recipe for it and made some on Sunday.  Man, it was very, very good.  I looked it up on the internet yesterday during lunch.  This started out to be a good idea since I was enjoying it and wanted to learn more about it.  As with some of my inquisitions, I wish I had just enjoyed the soup without the side order of curiosity.  Anyone remember my blog post about the Brazilian wax?  Well, this was almost as bad but thankfully without the videos.  Anyway, pozole was a ceremonial soup in Central and South America,  mostly from Mexico.  Before the Spaniards showed up, the soup would be made using hominy and spices.  The meat would be the cut-up remains of prisoners captured and sacrificed after a battle.  I read this just as I am chewing up a big piece of pork.  Yuck.  Swallow hard and continue reading... When the Spaniards arrived in the New World and Catholic monks started trying to teach the Native Americans about Christianity, the Native Americans replaced the human meat with pork.  In the article that I read, a Spanish monk said the pork was similar in flavor and texture to the other meat.  Well, ok then.  That is effin' gross.  I finished my soup and very glad the recipe changed way, way, way before Debbie made it.

If you want Debbie's recipe, let me know and I will post it here.  The recipe with the pork.

1 comment:

Tara said...


I want it! With pork.