Monday, January 31, 2011


The weather geeks are forecasting a bunch of snow in Oklahoma beginning later tonite and tomorrow morning.  Up to 14 inches possible in Stillwater.  The storm dumps snow here and then moves northeast to dump more in the areas where Karen and Sandra probably already have a bunch of snow.  I guess hell is freezing over or something.  It was 78 degrees on Saturday.  The high will be around 15 tomorrow and Wednesday.  That's just crazy. 

Debbie and I were married on Feb 3, 1978.  It snowed that week.  I remember someone, probably Dan Mathis, tossing snowballs at us as we left the church after the wedding.  Guess what?  We'll have snow on the ground for our anniversary this coming Thursday.  Why does that matter?  Well, it doesn't really.  I just thought of it.  hee hee.

Have a great day and hope you have a warm place to ride out the storm.

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