Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday excitement

About 45 minutes ago, I'm sitting at the office working and heard a loud noise outside. Looked out the window and didn't see anything at first. Then noticed a Jeep Cherokee sitting in the parking lot west of the office. Couple of women get out and limp around. One headed across the street toward the trees south of the office. That's when I saw debris in the road and a car off the road in the ditch. I called 911, but someone else already called it in. The Cherokee must have had 5 or 6 people in it. A couple of guys bailed out of the back and limped around. About 10 minutes after the accident, there are two ambulances, two fire trucks and two police cars. OKC's KFOR Channel 4 news is here taking video. Four ambulances at the site now for people in the Cherokee, I suppose. Dunno what happened other than one car hit another. Very likely that someone ran the stop sign at the corner. Guess I could be nosey and go act like a reporter, huh? Crazy stuff. One day I don't bring a camera something happens...

I've been wearing my reading glasses while working. I just looked out the window to see what's going on with the accident. My vision was blurry. I was thinking that my eyesight is really getting bad. Then realized I still had my reading glasses on. Can't see well across the room with those. Took them off and can see better. sheesh.

Wreckers finally loaded up the cars. Not certain, but looking at the damage it appears the car that went into the ditch hit the driver side of the Cherokee. Makes me wonder if the Cherokee ran the stop sign. Have to check channel 4 website to see if they have info.

1 comment:

eleanor said...

I am going to forward a cute email to you regarding forgetfulness since you forgot to take off your glasses. Ha Ha Love ya