Debbie and I made it to Santa Fe around sundown.
We are staying in the Las Palomas hotel within walking distance of the historic plaza area. Gotta say, the reality of the place is nice enough, but nothing as good as I expected. Ah, well. Gotta try these once in a while. Still gonna have a good time.
Plan to spend tomorrow milling around the plaza. Not too much planned other than to hang out together.
We went to Outback Steakhouse to eat. Figured to get a regular meal tonite and then try new stuff starting tomorrow. As usual, we had a time finding the restaurant. I used Yahoo maps to find the place. Then we used our GPS to help get us there. It appears the address on Yahoo is incorrect. The GPS had us going through a residential area. Didn't look correct. Debbie found the restaurant listed on the GPS so we eventually got there ok. Had a good meal. Now back at the hotel and chillin' watching America's Funniest Videos on the bigscreen tv. LOL
Hope you are having lot of fun and relaxing time. Love ya
I think the hotel looks cute. I hate when it's not what you expected, though.
The rooms are nice, don't get me wrong. But the hotel website give the impression of something with a little more oomph. Guess that's the point, huh?
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