Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Check yer meds

Major fubar on my synthroid that I should have caught and did not catch until today.  I got a refill on my synthroid at the end of April, and noticed the pill color was different.  Normally, the pill is pink and these are purple.  Had a fasting blood test last week and the nurse called me yesterday with the test results.  The test showed my TSH was around 26 and it should be as close to 1 as possible, but less than 5.  Typically, my TSH is around 3 and has been for the last 25 years.  The doc ordered an increase in the dosage.  I called this morning and asked to take another blood test to recheck everything.  Meantime, Kelsey had an appointment with the same doctor this afternoon.  Debbie went with her.  The doc was telling Deb how worried and confused he was about my TSH levels.  Apparently, they spent more time talking about that than talking about Kelsey.  Sorry, Kelsey...  Anyway, Deb called me afterward and we were talking about it again.  While we were talking, I pulled up the pill ID website and noticed that the purple pill was less than half the dosage of the pink pill.  Don't know why I did not notice that the last two times I looked up the pill.  Just a dumbass move on my part for not recognizing that 0.075mg is not equal to 0.175mg.  Anyway, be sure and check your meds.  If they look different, double and triple check to make sure you have the proper stuff.  Don't just assume, as I did, that what you have is correct.  After 25 years of taking this stuff and arguing with doctors about it all, you'd think I'd know better.  Really embarrassed and pissed at myself.  And, at the pharmacist for the mistake he made.  Gotta all be diligent about it.  sheesh.

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