Friday, June 11, 2010

UPS and Fed-Ex

Around lunch time, a UPS truck backed into a spot on the other side of the parking lot from my office window.  He was there for about 20 minutes and then left.  Just now, a Fed-Ex truck backed into the same spot.  The UPS guy is not there now.  A few years ago, I learned that I was very naive when I did not know that backing into a parking spot was sometimes an advertisement that the driver was looking for gay sex.  Um, I'm hoping those two delivery drivers are taping meth to the pine tree for a drug exchange and are not doing something else.  Kinda wierd they pick exactly the same spot to test the reverse gear on their trucks.  During the 10 years I've been in this office staring out the window, this is the first time I've seen that going on.  If it happens again, I ain't going out there to knock on the window to see what they are doing.  Speculating is way more fun than knowing.

UPDATE.  Since the Fed Ex truck arrived, there have been three other Fed-Ex trucks drive through the parking lot.  One of them backed up next to the first one, stayed for a few minutes, then left.  Another one just showed up and the guys are transferring boxes between the trucks.  I ain't getting alot of work done...

UPDATE #2:  There's another truck backing in next to the first one.  Break down?  Terrorist plot?  Dunno, but the guy in the last truck got into the first truck and they left together.  Abandoned Fed-Ex truck in the front yard... ruh roh.

1 comment:

Tara said...

What the heck? WHAT THE HECK?? I've never heard that before, either, about the parking backward. But I would be a little weirded out with all the delivery trucks even without that tidbit of info.