Monday, June 28, 2010

Sea Monster

OK.  I ain't much of a splashin' in the water kind of feller.  I like to fish.  Playing in the water at the waterpark is growing on me.  Taking a daily shower is a must, in my humble opinion.  At least every other day.  The idea of taking a bath on Saturdays only because it's Saturday and time for the weekly scrubbin' o' dirt off the body is way too old fashioned thinking for me.  If everyone else is stinking, too, then maybe once a week is ok.  Anway, just getting into the water just to get into the water is not appealing in and of itself.  After seeing this story, I'm definitely rethinking the concept of going for a dip in the ocean.  I mean, besides whale poo, fish pee and sharks (yeah, those other critters with big, gnarly teeth), this thing might be swimming around looking for hors d'oeurves.  Maybe you gotta be swimming a mile deep, but if it washed up on the beach, I'm thinking it must have been in the shallows looking for a fat dude to sink those fangs into. 

sea monster

Well, OK.  Maybe it is a fraud, but why take a chance?  Ya know?

1 comment:

Tara said...

That's weird. Some people have way to much free time!