Sunday, February 14, 2010


Last nite before she went to bed, Maggie told me she wanted to wake us up in the morning.  On Saturday, she was late getting up and we were already out of bed before she was up and around.  Guess she likes getting up in time to come snuggle under the covers with us.  This morning, she got up really early and got under the covers with Debbie long before Evie got up.  Maggie was really pleased with that.

Debbie took several photos of Evie, Maggie and Oliver before we left Tara's. 


Tara said...

Hee hee. Guess you guys made it back alright...

Roy and Debbie said...

yup. Roads were fine. Some flurries as we went through Celeste. Sunshine from Ardmore to Stillwater.