Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Rush Hour Solution

Driving to work this morning earlier than usual as Debbie stayed home today.  For some reason, the traffic was kinda busy for 7 am.  I had an idea for dealing with the heavy traffic and the sometimes stop and go ridiculousness.  Buy a Toyota.  Drive about 10 mph faster than everyone else.  Honk the horn repeatedly.  Wave your arms frantically while making a scared shitless face.  People will think your accelerator pedal is stuck and get out of your way.  Well, except for the dorks trying to text message and talk on their cell phone.  They don't pay attention anyway.  Just a thought.


Tara said...

Why does it have to be a toyota?

Roy and Debbie said...

Toyota just recalled almost 500,000 cars (6 different Toyota models) because their throttles have problems sticking wide open. Several people have died because of it over the last several years. Also, the Toyota Prius hybrids are being recalled because of brake problems. You need to watch the news, dear. hee hee

Tara said...

Oh. After I commented, I figured it was something like that. I'm always in the dark. Unless it's something baby or toddler related, I have no clue. :)